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Thursday, July 9, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Kris Allen Reassures Adam Lambert Fans: 'He's Gonna Be A Megastar'
'He's probably gonna be bigger than me, so don't worry about him,' Allen tells MTV News 'American Idol' expert Jim Cantiello.
By Katie Byrne, with reporting by Jim Cantiello
Kris Allen talks to MTV News after season eight's "Idol" finale
Photo: MTV News
"American Idol" fans might have been surprised by Kris Allen's victory over Adam Lambert on Wednesday night, but no one was more floored than Kris himself.
When "Idol" expert Jim Cantiello caught up with the new champ backstage, he talked about fans Googling his wife, working with Kara DioGuardi and what he has to say to all those heartbroken Glamberts.
Kris Allen: I know Jim — I don't even know how to pronounce your last name.
Jim Cantiello: Holy crap! It's Cantiello.
Allen: Cantiello.
Cantiello: How do you know me, man? I'm just some silly blogger dude.
Allen: I think the "American Idol in 60 Seconds" is the funniest thing ever.
Cantiello: Shut up!
Allen: No lie.
Cantiello: I'm usually pretty nice to you. I'm a big fan.
Allen: I know, right? Usually.
Cantiello: Sorry, I have to be honest.
Allen: I'm critical of myself as well, so don't worry about it.
Cantiello: All right, cool. Let's talk. You won the big show. Holy crap.
Allen: Holy crap, right?
Cantiello: I want to know: What are you going to do with "No Boundaries" to make it a hit? You've got a big mountain to climb.
Allen: [Laughs.] And hurricanes. It's a decent song. It's got a good message, and Kara [DioGuardi] was amazing to work with, she really was. She's a great songwriter, and I hope to sing it as well as I can.
Cantiello: So I have to ask: Your wife is one of the biggest Google trends out there. After every show, "Kris Allen wife" is one of the top three searches. How does that make you feel? It's a little creepy, right?
Allen: Maybe a little creepy, but she's beautiful and she's great and I'm glad to have her in my life. That's weird, though, that they would be searching my wife. She's a star too now.
Cantiello: So what are we going to hear from your album?
Allen: I felt like I put who I'm going to be on the stage during the performances on "American Idol." And I think you're gonna hear more of that kind of stuff.
Cantiello: Any dream collaborators you want to work with? Producers, writers, you want to work with Kara some more?
Allen: Yeah, I'd love to work with Kara. She's a great songwriter, a great person, she's a lot of fun to work with. I felt like just that little bit that we worked together, it made me better, and I really appreciated that. There's plenty of people out there. I have no idea, and I hope people will knock on the door.
Cantiello: They definitely will. You put out stuff on your own before "Idol." Any of that stuff gonna be reworked in a big studio setting?
Allen: Maybe so, but that's something that's a long time ago and in a different place. Hopefully new stuff will come out.
Cantiello: Last question: There's some heartbroken Adam Lambert fans on the Internet. What do you say to them right now to cushion the blow a little bit?
Allen: OK, here's the deal: Adam is gonna be fine. He's gonna be a megastar. He's probably gonna be bigger than me, so don't worry about him. He's great. I'm really happy for him.
Cantiello: Happy for him, and super happy for you. Congratulations, Kris.
Allen: Thanks a lot.
Cantiello: Enjoy the ride.
Are you an "American Idol" expert? Take our ultimate "Idol" quiz to find out! Plus, get your "Idol" fix on MTV News' "American Idol" page, where you'll find all the latest news, interviews and opinions.
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Tuesday, May 19, 2009
VA - Prison Songs: Historical Recordings from Parchman Farm 1947-48 Volume 2: Don'tcha Hear Poor Mother Calling
"For those who may not know, the worksong tradition was a practice carried over from Africa, which manifested first in slave plantations and then in the prison work gang. John Lomax, together with his son Alan, began recording these songs in Southern penitentiaries in 1933. In 1947, and again in 1948, Alan returned to Parchman Farm to gather in the songs we have here. So charged with passion are they that claims of a declining tradition make very odd reading. Yet, when I listen to the Lomaxes earlier collections, I have to agree. Pre-war, the ages of the singers was lower and the melodies were richer and more plentiful. Where the present material wins out is in the march of technology. Pre-war equipment was too limited to record the convicts while they worked. Instead, most of the material was gathered after hours, with the singers worn out from performing the very songs the Lomaxes were trying to capture. By 1947, however, the first modern tape recorder was on the market. With this device it was possible to preserve the sound of negro worksong in full flight."In and out" was a common pattern in Southern penal institutions. It developed from a system of race relations and social attitudes moulded in slavery days and dragged into the twentieth century like a feudal relic. The penitentiary was an important element in the suppression of the negro population. Along with lynch law, the Klan and a system of injudiciously administered floggings, the threat of a spell in the pen kept a potentially unruly black populace in a state of servility. The prisons held their share of hard cases, but for most of the inmates, sentences were short, sharp, frequent and brutal, and they were usually meted for trifling misdemeanours.
Impressions of a high turnover of prisoners are supported by these two CDs. Volume 1 is exclusively from Lomax's 1947 recordings and features protagonists with such colourful nicknames as Bama, Tangle Eye, 22, and Hard Hair. Volume 2 is mostly from Lomax's return trip in 1948, by which time additional singers seem to have found their way into the pen. They include Dobie Red, Curry Childress, and 88. The impression is strengthened when one reads John Lomax's reminiscences of collecting songs in Parchman Farm before World War 11. Of the singers he mentions, only Dobie Red and Tangle Eye were in the pen between 1947 and 1948.
So influential was Murderers' Home that the name Parchman Farm has become synonymous with axe wielding convicts roaring ferocious choruses. However, the institution embraced much more than group worksongs and some of this is reflected in the programming. Axe and hoe songs predominate, but there are one or two solo work songs, several field hollers, including Bama's superb Stackerlee, and a couple of blues. There is also an interview, split over two tracks, during which Bama talks about song leading and about his lot as a three time loser caught in the web of the Mississippi penal system. "In and out, in and out, for the last eighteen years." It fades, heart-rendingly, into a mournful holler by another long time prisoner, Tangle Eye
Listening to the lyrics and how they were sung, I form the opinion that the songs were far more about making it through the can than they were about synchronising work. In all these verses you will not find the slightest iota of fantasy or escapism. If there were any would-be lottery winners in Parchman Farm or Angola they do not show up here. Instead the songs are vested with stark reality and sweat. They are the channelling of rage and resentment against the iniquity and brutality and rank injustice of a penal system which was nothing more than the legitimised extension of plantation slavery. All folksongs involve catharsis but, inside the pen, song was the only voice which allowed prisoners to kick against the system. Shared songs did more than alleviate the work, they alleviated the misery." - Fred McCormick
"These songs belong to the musical tradition which Africans brought to the New World, but they are also as American as the Mississippi River. They were born out of the very rock and earth of this country, as black hands broke the soil, moved, reformed it, and rivers of stinging sweat poured upon the land under the blazing heat of Southern skies, and are mounted upon the passion that this struggle with nature brought forth. They tell us the story of the slave gang, the sharecropper system, the lawless work camp, the chain gang, the pen." - Alan Lomax
Year of Release: 1958/Reissue 1997
Label: Tradition/Rounder
Genre: Field Recording, Folk, Blues
Track List:
1. Don'cha Hear Poor Mother Calling
2. John Henry
3. Strongest Man I Ever Saw
4. Well, I Wonder
5. Lies
6. I'm Goin' Home
7. More Lies
8. O' Berta
9. Disability Boogie Woogie
10. O Rose
11. Hollers
12. Stewball
13. Fox Chase
14. Katy Left Memphis
15. About Prison Singers
16. Rosie
17. High Rollin' Sergeant
18. Garbage Man
19. When I Went to Leland
20. Prodigal Son
21. I'm Goin' to Memphis
22. (Untitled) - (hidden track)
Phallus Dei - Cyberflesh

Phallus Dei began as a musickal projeckt of Oliver St. Lingam (another holy prick) in 1988. Taking his projeckt name from the historic 1969 album by krautrock Amon D l II , St. Lingam released the tapes Pigfuck & Per Crucem Ad Lucem on the Unclean label. PD then signed with Dark Vinyl & released the ground-breaking industrial release Pontifex Maximus in 1991.
Following a successful European tour with Italian industrial musick giants Sigillum S, PhallusDei expanded to a three piece unit with the addition of multi-instrumentalist Mk. E & drummer, multi-instrumentalist Richard van Kruysdijk. With the additional help of Joris Huijbregts (who had previously played with Richard v. K. in the band Lament), the band recorded their follow-up album Cyberflesh. The sound of the group had progressed greatly on Cyberflesh, forming a more matured, guitar-laden sound. Phallus Dei had found a great balance between electronics & guitar, never allowing the abrasive riffs to overshadow their strong beats or experimental vocal styles.
On Cyberflesh, Phallus Dei are: Oliver St. Lingam - vocals & sequencing; Mk. E - guitar, acoustic guitar, flute, bass, & keyboards; Joris Huijbregts - bass, keyboards, accordion, & sequencing; & Richard van Kruysdijk - drums, percussion, synthesizer, keyboards, guitar, & sequencing. Written, arranged, produced & performed by Phallus Dei.
Year of Release: 1993
Label: Paragoric PA 02
Genre: Electronic Industrial, Electro, Gothick Ambient
Track List:
1. Egg (Prologue)
2. She Suffers (& Makes Suffer)
3. Dieu (voice - Salvador Dal )
4. Live on Joy (voice - Klaus Kinski)
5. Tortured Heroine (additional lyrics by Adi Newton)
6. Existence
7. Confessio (additional lyrics by Charles Manson)
8. Man's Son
9. Cyberflesh (voice - Salvador Dal )
10. La Mort (voice - Henry Lee Lucas & Kenneth Bianchi)
11. Clothed in Flesh
12. Live to Tell
13. Taphtatharath (Epilogue)
Cringer - Tikki Tikki Tembo No Sa Rembo Chari Bari Ruchi Pip Peri Pembo

Cringer started in Hawaii in 1984 with Lance Hahn, Ed Tarantino, Gardner Maxam & David Carr. Lance & Ed had previously been in the straight edge/skatecore band, Scarred For Life. David had been in several different bands including the Vacuum & Devil Dog. Gardner had been in Hawaii's first hardcore band, the Sharx. This line-up played several times live on KTUH & recorded three demo tapes: a split with Scarred For Life, We Are All AOK & The Vinegar Tasters. They relocated to Los Angeles in 1986. The group got their major debut with a track from an early demo appearing on the Mystic Records compilation, We Got Party. Hooking up with Vinyl Communications in Chula Vista, this line-up recorded their first 7", Perversion Is Their Destiny.
David & Ed split soon after the 7" was recorded. Francis Sippin from Free Will joined on vocals for a short period of time. Simon Barry, who had previously played in the UK anarcho band Flowers In The Dustbin, joined on guitar. This line-up recorded the second 7", Zen Flesh, Zen Bones as well as tracks for the Exclusion compilation on Nabate, Metal Gives Us A Headache on Hippycore & "Cottleston Pie" for The Thing That Ate Floyd on Lookout.
Derrick Imose from Hawaii joined & Simon eventually split. Nigel Wong joined & the group recorded their first album, Tikki Tikki Tembo No Sa Rembo Chari Bari Ruchi Pip Peri Pembo.
Year of Release: 1990
Label: Vinyl Communications VC-12
Genre: Punk
Side Yin:
A Song about Hawaii
Peace and Harmony
The Dumb Song
Anti Climax
El Salvador
Berlin Wall
Walk In Closet
Side Yang:
Two Friends
Just the Same
This Town
Take Back the Night (revisited)
Funk Song
Zen Hana Hou
Download: Cringer - Tikki Tikki Tembo No Sa Rembo Chari Bari Ruchi Pip Peri Pembo
Download Size: 101MB (ripped at 320Kbps)
Levi & the Rockats - Live at The Louisiana Hayride

In November 1977, Levi Dexter & his band, The Rockats, made their debut at the Royal College of Art, within the shadow of The Royal Albert Hall. Johnny Thunders jammmed at the end of their set. The headliner band that night was the reggae band Steel Pulse. On December 26, 1977, Levi & the Rockats closed the “Boxing Day Relapse” concert at The Music Machine in London with Siouxie & the Banshees & Adam & the Ants, establishing them as the first neo-Rockabilly band to emerge from the burgeoning London punk scene. In March 1978, Levi records “Evil Minded Mama”, a duet with Jayne County & The Electric Chairs. They toured England, Scotland, & Wales together on the first ever Ted/Punk Tour. By May 1978 Levi had relocated to the U.S. to get an 'American Perspective', moving first to Los Angeles where they were welcomed by bands like X. On November 10th 1978, Levi & the Rockats made their U.S. debut at Max’s Kansas City in New York opening for The Cramps.
On July 14, 1979, Levi & the Roackats, a neo-Rockabilly band from England, newly transplanted to Los Angeles, became the first rock performers to play The Louisiana Hayride since Elvis Presley played there nearly 25 years before. This is the live recording of that historic show.
Levi & the Rockats are: Levi Dexter - vocals; Eddie Dibbles - guitar; Guy Hemmer - rhythm guitar; Smut Smiff - bass; & Dean Thomas - drums. The Rockats were the last act ever introduced by legendary emcee Frank Page, who had emceed the Hayride for over 30 years & who had introduced Presley in 1954. His introduction is the opening track.
Year of Release: 1981
Label: Posh Boy PBS-162
Genre: Rockabilly
Side A -
Introduction by Mr. Frank Page
Rock-a-Billy Idol
She Ain't No Angel
Tired & Sleepy
Lonesome Saturday Night
Side B -
Room to Rock
Crazy Baby
Love this Kat
Other Side of Midnight
Note from the South.
Download: Levi & the Rockats - Live at The Louisiana Hayride
Download Size: 61.5MB
(Ripped From 28 yr. old PoshBoy Vinyl at 320Kbps)
The Wesley Willis Fiasco - Spookydisharmoniousconflicthellride
The majority of Willis' musical output featured only Willis accompanied by his Technics KN keyboard. Willis didn't actually play any of the notes heard on his solo work, instead he simply used the one-note autochord feature on his keyboard. A variety of different programs were utilized, although the bulk of his solo material consist of the same program being used extensively, with only slight variations in the key or tempo of the song. As a result, much of the music on his albums sounds very repetitive. Fortunately the repetiveness is made more tolerable by his outrageous lyrics and vocal delivery.
His lyrics also usually follow a general pattern, although to classify Willis's lyrics according to any conventional rhyme scheme or meter proves difficult. Lyrics generally began with a verse: a four-line spoken stanza, usually consisting of statements about the subject of the song. This was followed by the chorus, which was simply the subject of the song sung anywhere from three to six times in a non-professional, "drunk anthem" type style. Then another verse and another chorus, followed by an instrumental bridge section, where Willis, who had taken to heart the advice he had heard that the ideal song length for radio play is two minutes and 50 seconds would push the "fill" button repeatedly on his keyboard, usually triggering accompanying sound effects. The song ended with another verse, a chorus, and the words "Rock over London! Rock on Chicago," a catchphrase from an hour-long WXRT radio show. It was often followed by a company or product's name and slogan. Each song would end with a different slogan. If performed live, "Chicago" would be replaced with whatever city Willis was performing in.
On a few occasions Willis collaborated with other musicians, with The Wesley Willis Fiasco being the most well known collaborative effort. The style of music was much different from Willis' previous solo material, as the Fiasco concentrated on more of a punk style. The band consisted of Willis on vocals, Pat Barnard on (Lead Guitar), Dale Meiners (Rhythm Guitar), Dave Nooks (Bass) and Brendan Murphy (Drums). They released only one studio album, Spookydisharmoniousconflicthellride (a reference to Willis's description of his schizophrenic episodes). The Fiasco toured with many bands, most notably Rocket from the Crypt, Lordz of Brooklyn, and Sublime. They also released a much sought after and hard to find 7" vinyl split with Sublime, as well as a split with Chicago's The Frogs
Due to conflicts between the Fiasco band's shows and Willis's solo keyboard shows, the band broke up while on tour in Ohio in 1997. Willis stated that the demons in his head worsened during the tour, causing him to constantly yell at the band. After the break up Willis went on to release a number of solo albums. On August 21, 2003, Willis died at the age of 40 in Prospect Heights, Illinois due to complications from chronic myelogenous.
Year of Release: 1992
Label: Urban Legends
Genre: Punk, Outsider Music
Track List:
1. Get On The Bus
2. I'm Doing It Well On The Side Of The Rea
3. Pop That Pussy
4. Casper The Homosexual Friendly Ghost
5. I Can't Drive
6. He's Doing Time In Jail
7. Bar Is Closed, The
8. Jesus Is The Answer
9. Blood, Guts & Fire Trucks
10. She Loves Me Truly
11. Drink That Whiskey
12. Steve Albini
13. Steve Albini (reprise)
14. I'm Sorry That I Got Fat
These Arms Are Snakes/Russian Circles Split 12" EP
This is the first of a series of promo albums released for Record Store Day that I will be posting over the next few days. These Arms are Snakes is a post-hardcore band hailing from Seattle, while the members of post-rock group Russian Circles are natives of Chicago. Both bands are signed to Suicide Squeeze records, and are touring together at the present moment. This split EP was originally released to celebrate their European tour in November 2008, with only 1,000 copies being pressed on 12" black vinyl. 500 copies were sold on tour and 500 were available on Sargent House's webstore. It was reissued once again for Record Store Day, again limited to 1,000 pressings, only this time on 12" clear vinyl.
Year of Release: 2008/Reissued in 2009
Label: Sargent House
Genres: Post-Hardcore, Post-Rock, Math Rock
Bitrate: 260VBR
Phallus Dei - Pornocrates
As I promised several people, more Phallus Dei. If you want more info about the band, go here. Phallus Dei put a lot of time & creative effort into writing their songs. The payoff is an immaculate sounding & composed piece of musick. This is one powerful album.
"Monumental." On Pornocrates the line-up is the same as Cyberflesh.
Phallus Dei is: Oliver St. Lingam - vocals & sequencing; Mk. E - guitar, acoustic guitar, flute, bass, & keyboards; Joris Huijbregts - bass, keyboards, accordion, & sequencing; & Richard van Kruysdijk - drums, percussion, synthesizer, keyboards, guitar, & sequencing. Written, arranged, produced & performed by Phallus Dei.
Best music
Year of Release: 1994
Label: Paragoric PA 06
Genre: Electronic Industrial
Dog (Prologue)
On Aloneness
The Arising (A New Day Version)
Unguided Love
Pornocrates (Bloodlust a Go-Go version)
The Outer Bone
Circles on Circles (Dreams ov Channel Five version)
Never to Believe (My Release version)
Veiled Statues
Dead Birds Floating
Current Lullabye (Epilogue)
Download: Phallus Dei - Pornocrates
Download Size: 109.9MB
Monday, May 18, 2009
Kris Ellestad: A mix of Fleet Foxes and Beirut?
I know, I know, it sounds inconceivable!! But could it be true? We got a lovely and personable email from one Kris Ellestad, a Canadian from the prairies of good ol’ Calgary (S man, where you at?)
Ellestad is a special treat for all of us, because well, he is into this whole digital age mp3 download thing that spurs artists to fame, and he really gets it:
I’ve been writing and recording songs for about 8 years now, though I wouldn’t say I began to write songs I enjoyed playing until about three or four years ago. During that time I put together short ‘albums’ of material from distinct periods in my life, including some live shows, and shared them with family and friends. Some of these I liked more than others, and they ended up on a single-page website I made, all for free download.
In case you misread that last sentence, I’ll repeat a part of it. “…and they ended up on a single-page website I made, all for free download.” Yeah, he’s hip.
But the thing is, we obviously wouldn’t discuss an artist who simply has free music up unless we actually liked the music. Crazy notion right? Ellestad’s music is simple yet beautiful. With a very earthy sound, Ellestad meshes overriding strings and percussion with a mix of what sounds like bells and flutes, depending which track you choose. His voice is eerily reminiscent of Zach Condon’s and the music is lo-fi all the way to its core. The material that I’m sharing with you here is sort of the new direction Ellestad is taking with his music - that direction being a good one. After such a ringing endorsement, how can you not take these tunes for a test run?
Kris Ellestad - “The Secret” [MP3]
Kris Ellestad - “November Steppes” [MP3]
Pick up the other 64 tracks for free download here. Thank you Kris Ellestad.
Miss COED: Misty Dawn
Yowza - you better hold on to something before checking out this chick, or you might pass out from horniness! Ridiculously sexy blond bombshell, Misty Dawn takes looking hot to a whole new level. The 27-year-old Dallas, Texas bikini and glamour model has appeared in countless publications, including the 2006 Miss Bikini and Auto Bodies calendars and was a Playboy Cyber Girl. Excellent
Eminem's Relapse Inspires Our Fantasy Slim Shady Playlist
DJ Drama, the Alchemist, DJ Whoo Kid and more offer up their favorite Em tracks to Mixtape Daily.
By Shaheem Reid
Mixtape Daily Special Report
Eminem has been a beast since his demo tape. We all know that. He's told us the good, the bad and the disgusting in his life and never held back any punches. He throws haymakers on the mic, from guest collaborations like "Off the Wall" with Redman and "Renegade" with Jay-Z to the album cut "Marshall Mathers." He's one of the best to ever to do it, and he's made a return to spotlight with his new LP Relapse.
In honor of King Mathers coming back, we're coming double-fisted. First, we have an exclusive, vintage freestyle that Em recorded right here in the MTV offices about a decade ago. As you'll see, Em was still rocking the blond 'do and was a monster, coming off the dome back then. He laid his raps while visiting DJ Stretch Armstrong.
Speaking of DJs, we've assembled some of the best in the game right now to give us their tracks for a fantasy Slim Shady mixtape. Before you have a heart attack, we couldn't include all of Em's greatest songs in one article, but feel free to tell us which ones we should include in part two. Big-up to Alchemist for getting the gig as Em's DJ while he's doing this promo run.
"Just Don't Give a F---"
"It was the first record that really introduced me to Eminem. It was unlike anything I ever heard. When I first heard that, I was an instant fan. When I heard that song, I was a complete nobody at that time. I fooled the world by pretending that I had an online Internet radio show. I got in touch with Eminem and [his manager] Paul Rosenberg and their camp when they was doing promo shows. Back then, I got them to come to my mom's basement, because I was such a fan and I couldn't wait to hear more stuff from this guy. I got them to my mom's basement, and we hung out. He was definitely drunk. ... Definitely, you could tell he was kinda a live wire. He actually came with Royce Da 5'9"." - Clinton Sparks
"The Way I Am"
"To me, Eminem is the ultimate personable artist. He always brings you in his life. 'The Way I Am,' he was already dealing with so much, really coming into his iconic status. For him to deliver that record and deal with what was going on ... it's amazing that a record like that could be a single. Lyrically, he's one of the greatest of all time. That's one of my favorite Eminem records. The flow was ill, as it always is. He delivered quality and gave his Eminem angry approach to it. You could feel the hostility in the record." - DJ Drama
"Love Me" (featuring 50 Cent and Obie Trice)
"That was a hard record right there. I guess it was so much sh-- going on, they didn't concentrate on that record. It was one of those records we should have done the video and pushed it more, but at that time, Eminem didn't need no pushing. He was already moving millions of units. It's hard when you're moving millions of units — 8 million, 10 million units — what's the purpose of concentrating on promoting separate records? Everybody heard it, it was poppin', but I felt they should have put a little light on the record. I think that was the first time we heard Em and 50 together." - DJ Whoo Kid
" 'Hello,' it's Em saying he's back. You could tell Dre mixed that record because of the sound. I like some of the cuts and scratches on the hook. That's the classic Em we love. He's been away for a second. It's Em. His flows on the new album, me personally, I like how he rapped on 'Hello,' the 'Beautiful' record is ill. 'Bagpipes Over Baghdad,' I like the style he raps on that. For my personal taste, I like the introspective Em." - DJ Skee
"When I first heard [Relapse], that was the song I said, 'This is gonna shut mutha----ers up.' Straight up. It would not be an issue. Nobody would be like, 'I didn't like this, I didn't like the flow.' ... When we perform that song, Em takes a spot on the stage, and that's it. He picks a spot and dumbs out. There's not a lot of moving. When we're rehearing the song, you know, 'This is gonna be something crazy.' He says, 'Turn the lights down,' they put the spotlight on Em, and it's just snap rap. In the current day and age, you don't hear songs like that. It doesn't seem like any of that other sh-- going on in the world or in the music industry was going on in his mind when he [made the song]. He was strictly into the craft. I don't think anybody is f---ing with that." - the Alchemist
"The first thing I thought when I heard it was, 'Oh, word? Another thing that happened to him that we're just finding out about?' I was like, 'This guy's life is worse than people think it is.' It's great that he's not afraid to say it or tell the people. There's a lot of people out there that sh-- happens to them that they feel embarrassed or they don't know how to do it. Nobody can tell a tale of tragedy better than Eminem and make it f---ing interesting and cool to listen to and make fun out of it. He's not saying it like 'woe is me.' He's saying, 'This sh-- is f---ed up. F--- it! This is who I became because of it. F--- you.' " - Clinton Sparks
"The Real Slim Shady"
"Em doesn't get much club play [in the U.S.], but when I go overseas and play 'The Real Slim Shady,' that's a classic over there. When people hear it overseas, they be buggin' the f--- out. The beat is hot. It's a long verse, but when the hook comes on, everybody is screaming. It's kinda like 'Jump Around.' I did it recently in Beirut, Lebanon, and parts of France. Those songs connect to the rich people and young kids." - DJ Whoo Kid
"We as Americans"
"That was an old record. That's when he said, 'I don't rap for dead presidents/ I'd rather see the president dead/ It's never been said, but I set precedents.' Sh--, man! He always figures a way to step beyond what other mutha----ers are doing with the bars. I always like that beat too." - the Alchemist
50 Cent's "Patiently Waiting" (featuring Eminem)
"Classic! 50 and Em over an Eminem beat. 50 in rare form, Eminem in rare form. Both on top of the world at the time. A monster who created another monster. That was just classic. Eminem beats at that time was such gold and had such rich sound. 50 fit the beat perfectly on that. Just the hook alone — 'I been patiently waiting for a track to explode on' — summed everything up." - DJ Drama
"8 Mile Road" and "Lose Yourself"
"That whole '8 Mile' soundtrack, even though it wasn't Em on the whole thing, it was ill. 'Lose Yourself,' that was Em's best. That's my favorite commercial Eminem single. That was Em in his prime. It was a great new direction for him. What the people in the mainstream knew him was for some of the funny stuff and all the crazy stuff with Kim. But the inspirational side was great motivation music. I've used it to motivate me. To show a white boy from the 'hood in Detroit can come out and do it, it's inspirational." - DJ Skee
Notorious B.I.G.'s "Dead Wrong Remix" (featuring Eminem)
"That was hot too. Em held it down very well. Nobody complained about that. You would never hear Tupac or Biggie doing songs with 60 percent of the artists that are booked on those remix albums. But Eminem, it felt like B.I.G. would have done a song with Em. With the remixes with dead rappers, I don't pay attention to them, but I wanted to see how Em would alter his lyrics to f--- with Biggie. He hung with him." - DJ Whoo Kid
For other artists featured in Mixtape Daily, check out Mixtape Daily Headlines.
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'Hills' Star Lo Bosworth Avoided 'Pink, Frilly' Gowns For Her Prom
'We had, like, hot outfits and stuff, and we pretended like we were old,' she recalls of her 'Laguna Beach' days.
By Jocelyn Vena
Lo Bosworth
Photo: Charley Gallay/ Getty Images
It's May — you know what that means. It's getting warm, the flowers are blooming and the time-honored tradition of prom is back again. So get your corsages, turn up the cheesy music and fuel the limos, because this week we're catching up with your favorite stars and helping them relive their favorite prom memories.
Lo Bosworth has several proms to remember fondly. "The Hills" star, who also spent some time in high school in front of the cameras on "Laguna Beach" alongside Lauren Conrad and Stephen Colletti, told MTV News that she and her friends really made sure they did prom night right back in the day.
"I had so much fun at prom. I went to three proms, actually," she recalled. "I went almost every year of high school, and in Laguna, we did it up."
For the Laguna kids, that meant celebrating prom in the splashiest way possible. "We got huge limos and fabulous dresses — none of this pink, frilly sh--," she said. "We had, like, hot outfits and stuff, and we pretended like we were old, and it was so much fun."
When it came to dates, Lo relied on the company of her best girlfriends, but for one year, there was a very special guy by her side — sort of. "I went with friends every year," she said. "Except one, and that year, I went with my ex-boyfriend. I broke up with him, but we still went to the dance together."
Music News Blog:
Blink-182 Talk Reunion, First Tour In More Than Four Years
'I think it's gonna be amazing,' Tom DeLonge says of the jaunt, which will include Weezer, Fall Out Boy and other acts.
By James Montgomery
Blink-182's Tom DeLonge and Mark Hoppus
Photo: Jason Merritt
On Thursday night in Hollywood, Blink-182 ended a four-and-a-half-year hiatus with a surprise performance at a T-Mobile party at Paramount Studios. And now that they're officially, 100 percent back, how would they rate the reunion so far?
"Awkward, weird ... a little standoffish. Me and Travis are on one side [of the studio], behind a brick wall, and Tom is outside the wall knocking," Blink's Mark Hoppus told MTV News at the event. "You ever seen that episode of 'The Odd Couple' where they drew the line down the middle of the room? Yeah, it's kind of like that."
"And there's a couple holes where we stick various parts of our bodies through," Tom DeLonge added. "It's really super strange and weird. But it rocks."
And judging by what we heard onstage Thursday night, it does, indeed, rock. So now that they've got one performance under the belt, what about Blink's much-hyped summer tour with Weezer, Fall Out Boy and a rotating list of huge acts (Taking Back Sunday, All-American Rejects, Panic at the Disco, Asher Roth and Chester French)? What can fans expect to see out on the road? Well, lots and lots of lasers, apparently.
"I think it's gonna be amazing. There are amazing bands, they're all big. When we started talking about doing the tour again ... we had all these options start popping up. It was really amazing to be able to end up on the bands we had," DeLonge said. "Usually when you go out on tour, there's a lot of negotiations as far as time and who can do what and when they can do it, or whatever ... I'm gonna be honest right now. The tour is gonna be good. Mark, after f---ing 17 years, might let me have lasers!"
"It's true," Hoppus laughed. "[Lasers] broke up our band at one point, and now it's lasers that are bringing us back together."
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Thursday, May 14, 2009
Epson Launches Six Printers in One Go
After a long duration of lull in the printer market, it’s full blooded storm from Epson with their new six printers on the block. The freshmen launched in the market include Epson P50, a multi-function colour photo printer along with five other Stylus segment printers.
The Epson P50 looks somewhat like Epson in its glossy black casing; the designer might always imply that he was inspired by Samsung printers though! It is designed for homes especially and can print documents as well as photo prints.
The five Stylus printers include SX515W, SX415, SX215, SX115 and SX21. All five are meant for homes (once again) and the manufacturer claims to offer prints at an economy; including the lower energy usage. Individual cartridges are provided on these printers to ensure that only the ink that needs replaced gets replaced, and we are talking economy again.
All five printers have subtle difference between each one of them. The top model, SX515W offers Wi-Fi connectivity, 6.3cm LCD viewer and PictBridge connectivity and is priced moderately at …
Fabolous Falls For A Thief In 'Throw It In The Bag' Video
'Definitely want a girl who knows how to go out there and get what she wants,' he says of the inspiration.
By Shaheem Reid
Fabolous and Claudia Jordan
Photo: Fabolous Life
NEW YORK — Def Jam Records had their team working hard Tuesday. In Harlem, Jadakiss and OJ Da Juiceman shot the second part of their "Who's Real" video, while Fabolous filmed his "Throw It in the Bag" clip in lower Manhattan. The-Dream, who sings on Fab's hook, Christina Milian, Irv Gotti, DJ Clue, Ryan Leslie and model Claudia Jordan all came down for cameos.
"This video today is about a girl who likes to throw things in a bag in her own way," Fab said on set. "We got the beautiful Miss Claudia Jordan. You might have seen her on 'Deal or No Deal' or '[Celebrity] Apprentice' or heard her on Jamie Foxx's 'Foxxhole' radio show. We decided to have her in the video because she can walk the walk and talk the talk. ... We had her play as a thief, and she's going in there and throwing things in a bag. But I'm kinda feelin' her. I'm feeling her integrity, I'm feeling her style, I'm feeling her going out and taking what she wants. By the end of the video, I'm kinda looking past her being this big thief, and maybe next time she throws things in the bag is because I'm buying it for her."
Fab said in real life, he's been attracted to women that remind him of Jordan's character.
"Not a shoplifter," he clarified with a chip-tooth grin. "A woman with some edge. Definitely want a girl who knows how to go out there and get what she wants. Not shoplifting, but she makes it happen."
"Throw It in the Bag" is the second video Fab has filmed recently in advance of his summer album, Loso's Way. He already has the clip for "It's My Time" in the can.
"It's saying how long I been in the game and did things my way, and 'It's My Time' again," he explained. "That's more what 'It's My Time' is about — for me to do my thing and wake people up to that. 'Throw It in the Bag,' on the other hand, is another fun record from Fab that has some energy. You can move to it. The girls are gonna like the message to it. Just go out there and not pay attention to what a price tag says: 'Just throw it in the bag.' It's a little motivation for people to go shopping and have some fun with it, too, in the recession."
Over the next several days, Fab is releasing at least two trailers for his album. In one trailer, Fab is decked out in a tux with friends, such as former Cheetah Girl Adrienne Bailon, enjoying a night on the town when there is an attempt on his life. In another one, Loso walks through a headquarters where cocaine is being cooked up and makes sure his employees are handling their business.
Guest stars on Loso's Way include The-Dream, newcomer Jeremih, Trey Songz, Marsha Ambrosius, Jay-Z and Lil Wayne on a track called "General."
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Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Witnesses Say London Police Posed as G-20 Protesters
Riot police during protests against the G-20 summit in London on April 1.
Last month we wrote that a photographer in London had written to The Lede to say that he thought he had witnessed undercover police officers trying to incite protesters to violence during the Group of 20 summit in London. This week, The Guardian reports that Tom Brake, a Liberal Democrat M.P. who observed the protests has come forward to say that “he saw what he believed to be two plain-clothes police officers go through a police cordon after presenting their I.D. cards.”
The Guardian reported on Sunday that Mr. Brake plans “to call for an investigation into whether the police used agents provocateurs to incite the crowds.”
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Pixar's journey to Cannes acclaim
Pixar's invitation to launch this year's Cannes Film Festival with their 3D feature Up marks the latest coup for the US computer animation powerhouse.
Lasster (right) is in Cannes with Up's director Pete Docter (left)
It is testament to how the company behind Toy Story, Finding Nemo, Wall-E and Monsters, Inc. has balanced commercial kudos with critical acclaim.
Winner of more than 20 Academy Awards, the company's own proprietary software has placed it at the vanguard of the computer-generated imagery revolution.
But according to its website, Pixar attributes its success to "memorable characters and heart-warming stories that appeal to audiences of all ages."
Pixar's driving force is John Lasseter, a former Disney employee whose formative experiments in computer animation were rejected by the so-called House of Mouse.
Having had his contract terminated, Lasseter ended up making his first short, The Adventures of Andre and Wally B, for a division of George Lucas's LucasFilm.
When that subsidiary company was bought by Apple founder Steve Jobs in 1986, Pixar was born.
Around this time, computers were often used to fashion special effects in live-action films and to create backgrounds in animated ones.
Lasseter's colleague Ed Catmull, though, challenged him to use the fledgling technology to make characters as well - traditionally the domain of hand-drawn animation.
John's animated shorts impressed Disney so much his old employer agreed to finance his debut feature, 1995's Toy Story.
Up tells of an old man and a boy scout who travel to South America
The first fully computer-animated feature film, it became that year's highest-grossing movie with global box-office takings of $362 million (£238.7 million).
Disney continued to co-produce and distribute Pixar's films, with 1998's A Bug's Life becoming another sizeable hit.
Relations were strained, however, by Disney's contention that Toy Story 2 - a straight-to-video title considered strong enough to warrant a theatrical release - was not covered by their three-picture deal.
Outside the boardroom, Pixar continued to generate a string of blockbuster successes - 2001's Monsters, Inc., Finding Nemo (2003)and The Incredibles a year later.
Its shorts, meanwhile, continued to nurture new talent while providing useful testing grounds for the company's latest innovations.
Differences behind the scenes, though, suggested Pixar and Disney's profit-sharing agreement was unsustainable in the long term.
So many were surprised when the companies decided to merge in a 2006 deal which saw Lasseter become Disney/Pixar's overall creative director.
The new arrangement led to the 52-year-old maintain his role at Pixar while taking a supervisory role over Disney's animated product.
Pixar's Walle-E won the best animated feature Oscar earlier this year
Last year Disney/Pixar unveiled an ambitious slate of animated features that will include a third instalment in the Toy Story franchise and a sequel to its 2006 film Cars.
Pixar's other future projects include Newt, a comedy about two bickering salamanders, and The Bear and the Bow, an action adventure set in ancient Scotland.
Since 2000, Pixar have been located at a purpose-built facility in Emeryville, California, a small town close to San Francisco.
Earlier this year, it announced it was opening a second studio in Vancouver, Canada to handle its non-feature projects.
The Pixar team's presence at Cannes begins a lengthy roll-out for Up that will take Lasseter and his colleagues around the world.
Later this year he and his fellow Pixar feature directors will receive a special award at the Venice Film Festival in recognition of their body of work.
Early reactions to Up have been positive, with Variety's critic calling it "a captivating odd-couple adventure that becomes funnier and more exciting as it flies along".
Screen International's reviewer agrees, describing Pete Docter's film - out in the UK in October - as "a marvel of a movie which will enchant cinema-goers around the world".